Corporate Profile
Company Name | Musasino Co., Ltd. |
Founded | April 1, 1946 |
Address | 1-2-15 Minamiyukigaya, Ota-ku, Tokyo 145-0066 |
TEL | 03-3726-4411(main) |
FAX | 03-3726-1557 |
Representative | Representative director and president Jimmy Lim |
Business Areas | Planning, Manufacturing & Maintenance of Marine Equipment |
Capital | 75Million Yen |
Locations | Japan: Three Locations / International: Eight Locations *For details of each office, please check the Global Network page. |
International Certifications・Quality Assurance
International Certifications
Certified ISO9001(NKKKQA) since May, 1994
Certified IEC Ex / ATEX(SGS Baseefa) since September, 2009

Operating environment test after installation assured by the head office.
In our company, we provide special quality management.
Inspections are done at all stages: system inspection before shipment from the factory, operational inspection after installation(remote operation) with full responsibility. We are committed to a thorough quality control.

CSR Activities
Mokutan Workshop

The Mokutan Workshop is a social activity project of the Musasino Group, which was started in 2000 with the concept of "Contributing to the environment and the region through manufacturing."
Musasino operates the factory in the beautiful space between fields and mountains in Izumizaki, Nishishirakawa-gun.
Musasino alumni and others from the Shirakawa area make charcoal using thinned timber, rejuvenate rice paddies that have been fallow due to a lack of successors, etc., and produce rice. Mokutan also provides temporary staffing, tractors, and other support to aging farmers. We will continue to be a bridge for those returning, so they can work safely, increase farmlands, and pass down rice farming methods.
Mokutan Workshop HP>>